Custom Tiki Totem Poles

Custom Tiki Totem Poles

Snidely started carving 17 years ago with palm tikis totem poles. Inspired by Tiki Greats like Wayne Cumbes and Jimbo Wright who both carved Tikis all their life.  We don’t use palm anymore due to it being a fibrous plant instead of wood which hold up longer.

We can carve any Tiki, any size you desire if you have a photo or a drawing.

We have lots of Rescued Timber logs in stock fully cured and ready to go.

Most of the Tiki that we create now is either Red Cedar Wood Logs or Cypress logs that last much longer and look much better.

Give us a call today and tells us what you need. We will be glad to give you a proposal for your needs.



Price: $260.00

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